No More Yawns
Existing members can get discounts and RSVP by clicking the “Get Your Ticket” button below.
Mark will run you through multiple exercises to help you make presentations that won’t make people yawn.
Existing members can get discounts and RSVP by clicking the “Get Your Ticket” button below.
Over 3 hours from 12 pm to 3 pm ET on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, Mark will get you hands-on with presentations. He’ll take you through the following:
How to make sense, not noise,
Techniques to make your presentations memorable, and
Practical ways to structure and write presentations.
Mark Pollard runs Sweathead. He’s also run strategy teams at Big Spaceship, Edelman, and Leo Burnett. He was on the Account Planning Group (APG) committee in Australia 12 years ago. He’s spoken at Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, AIGA How Design, Google Firestarters, and more. He also once published Australasia’s first full-color hip hop magazine “Stealth”.
If you’d like to purchase 5 or more tickets to receive 20% off access to the masterclass, fill in this form and we’ll get back to you.